
Small animal care center
Since the implementation of any animal research requires access to the appropriate facilities and, most importantly, need healthy animals, keep animals in place strictly in accordance with maintenance standards laboratory animals is very necessary. The most important activities that take place in small animal care center of RCPN are follows:
Checking animals daily by experts and quarantine suspected patients for examination by veterinarian
Continuous monitoring of the appropriateness of the animal shelters in terms of humidity, temperature and light
Continuous monitoring of the quality of food, drinking water and animal bedding by considering the basic principles of health
Periodic spraying animals and equipment with antiseptic solution to prevent contamination of fungal, parasitic, bacterial and viral.
Research Leader
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Research Assistants
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Dr. Morteza Eskandani (PhD)
Dr. Abolfazl Barzegari (PhD candidate)
PhD Students
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M.Sc Students
Selected Publication
Last two years publications (2014-2019)