| Jafar Ezzati Nazhad Dolatabadi obtained his PhD in 2014 from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.His PhD thesis is about the Dry powder inhalation of Alendronate-loaded nanolipidic carriers formulation and characterization under the mentorship of Prof. Hadi Valizadeh.

| Elmira Samimi was born in Isfahan, Iran, in 1989. She obtained her diploma of mathematics & physics from Faraz high school (2007) and then she obtained her B.Sc. degree in biomedical engineering (Bio-electrics) from Isfahan University (2012). She won second place of Robots Navigation in 1st festival of Universities Robotics Completion in Isfahan University (2010) and gained top certification from 1st festival of top ideas in industrial technology incubator of Isfahan University as top student and top idea about surgery room.She is a member of Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC). She started her M.Sc. degree (2013) in medical nanotechnology in Tabriz University of Medical Science (TUOMS). She started her M.Sc project under the supervisions Prof.S.Davaran and Prof.Y.Omidi (2014). The main aim of her M.Sc. project is designing an Electrochemical Impedance Nano-Biosensors for early detection of cancer biomarkers. She joined our center as a student researcher. |
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 | Balal Khalilzadeh was born in Khoy city, west azarbayjan and complete his elementary education until BSc degree in pure chemistry at the University of Khoy in 2005. Also he was studied the MSc course in the field of analytical chemistry (electrochemistry) at the University of Arak in 2008. His MSc thesis was development of nanoparticle based electrochemical sensors for biosensing under supervision of Dr Babaei and Dr. Zendedel. Now, he is spending his PhD theses under supervision of Dr. Rashidi, Dr. Nozad and Dr. Omidi in RCPN. His PhD thesis is designing of novel nanoparticles based biosensors and its application in detection of caspase 3 activity and apoptosis in cord blood stem cells during differentiation. His research interest is sensors, biosensors and electroanalysis using of nanoparticles. |
 | Pari Karami is now analytical chemistry PhD student whose thesis has been focused on the development of biosensors for amino acid analysis in the cancer cell detection at Research Center for Pharmaceutical Sciences (RCPN). She finished M.Sc degree in Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in the field of analytical chemistry and nanotechnology, with the title of synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of gold nanoparticles, under supervision of M.Reza Hormozi-Nezhad, associate professor of chemistry at Sharif University of Technology. His current research platform conduceted in Ph.D program under supervision of Prof. Yadollah Omidi and Prof. M. Reza Majidi made the development of interdisciplinary research area in the field of bioelectrochemistry possible for designing novel ultrasensitive biosensors used in cancer detections. email: p_karami@yahoo.com |
| Abbas Jafarizad received BSc of chemistry and MSc of polymer chemistry from Tabriz university in 1999and 2002 respectively. He has employed in Sahand University of technology since 1998 until now, and He is lecturer of different courses such as organic, analytical, polymer and general chemistry and also He is head of research Centre of instrumental analytical lab of chemical engineering of Sahand University of Technology. He is PhD candidate of nano-chemistry in Ataturk university working on drug delivery field in cooperation with Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (Tabriz University of Medical Science) under supervisition of Dr Duygu Ekinci in Turkey and Dr Yadollah Omidi in iran. His Ph.D research work entitled “Synthesize of Gold Nanoparticles and Their Application in Cancer therapy”. He has published more than 20 articles in the scientific international and national conferences. |
 | Sepideh Zununi Vahed is doing a PhD in Medical Biotechnology at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. She got her MSc in cellular and molecular biology from Azarbayjan University of Tarbyat Moallem, Tabriz (2008) and her B.Sc. in General Biology from Tabriz University, Tabriz (2001). She is also a member of the exceptionally talented students’ community at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Her research interests include microRNAs, microbiome, interactions of microbiome and microRNAs in host diseases development and also stem cell research. Currently, she’s working on her thesis at RCPN under the supervision of Dr. Samadi and Dr. Ardalan. Her research is particularly directed towards using microRNAs as biomarkers in medicine, with a focus on using microRNAs for renal graft function monitoring and Lupus Nephritis. Email: sepide.zununi@gmail.com |
 | Abbas Asoodehfard started BSc in Azad Uiversity of Jahroom branch in microbiology since 2003 to 2008. He started MSc in higher education institute of Reb-Rashidy in the field of microbial biotechnology from 2013. Abbas started his research experiences from 2014 in RCPN, focusing on the effect of probiotics in oral cancer and apoptosis signal pathway. |
 | Babak Bahadori studied applied chemistry at the university of Tabriz and obtained his BSc. degree in 2009. Babak received a MSc. degree in phytochemistry with his thesis entitled "Phytochemical investigation of Salvia urmiensis" at Shahid Beheshti university in September 2011 under the supervision of Prof. Peyman Salehi and Dr. Mahdi Moridi Farimani. He joined the research group of Prof. Valizadeh at the university of Azerbaijan as a PhD student in 2011. He joined the scientific group of Prof. Nazemiyeh in the RCPN as a visiting researcher in August 2014. His PhD project focused on “natural product drug-discovery” using a bioassay-guided isolation approach, from Iranian Medicinal plants. |
 | Marzieh Babashpour-Asl graduated from the University of Tabriz with a BSc. degree in Agriculture in September 1999. In December 2001 she received MSc. degree from Tehran University in Floriculture. Babashpour joined to Islamic Azad University, Maragheh branch as a faculty member in March 2006. She was accepted as a PhD student of Medicinal Plants in Guilan University in September 2012. Her thesis entitled "Galanthamine production in Galanthus transcaucasicus Fomin in in vitro conditions " is under the supervision of Prof. Nazemiyeh in the RCPN and Prof. Zakizadeh from Gulian University. |
 | Masumeh Zamanlu obtained her diploma of experimental sciences (2005) from Tabriz Farzaneghan high school, a member of NODET (National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talent); and obtained her MD degree (2012) from Urmia University of Medical Sciences, while she was selected as the example student of the University for two times during her education. She was the Internal Manager of the Neurosciences Research Center (NSRC), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (2014-2015). She started her PhD (2013) of Neurosciences- Stroke, in Neurosciences Research Center (NSRC), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, under the supervision of Prof. M. Farhoudi. She aimed her multidisciplinary PhD project at “Nano scale drug delivery system for ischemic stroke”, under the supervision of Prof. Y. Omidi, and consult of Dr J. Barar. She has joined our center as a student researcher. |
 | Mohammad Rashidi Shahgoli was born in Tabriz, Iran, in 1990. He obtained his diploma of mathematics & physics from Tabriz’s school of National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET) (2008) and then he obtained his B.Sc degree in electrical engineering from University of Tabriz (2012). He then finished his M.Sc. in photonic engineering from the University of Tabriz (2014) and his thesis was “Analysis and simulation of charge transport in quantum structure photo-detectors”. His interest fields are optoelectronics devices including solar cells, photo-detectors, Light Emitting Diodes, and LASERs based on nanocrystals (quantum dots) and nanoparticles; and optical and electrochemical nanobiosensors. He is currently a research assistant in RCPN, and his research goal is “Designing and fabricating of nanobiosensors for biomarker (Alzheimer’s) detection”. |
 | Mohammad Mostafa Pourseif is PhD student of Animal Physiology at University of Tabriz, Iran. He received a B.S. degree in Animal Science from University of Tabriz in 2009 and a M.Sc. degree in Reproduction of Animal Physiology from the University of Tabriz in 2011. He started Ph.D. in 2013 and as a high rank student in Iranian Ph.D. Entrance Exam. Presently, he is working on his Ph.D. thesis at Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (RCPN), in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. His research interests are Molecular physiology |
 | Ailar Nakhlband obtained her PhD degree from Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (RCPN), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. Assistant Professor of Medical Biotechnology North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences |
 | Somayeh Vandghanooni received M.Sc (2007) of genetics and B.Sc of biology (2005) from the department of biology-genetic of Tabriz University. Her M.Sc project was about studying survivin gene expression and its splice variants as diagnostic biomarkers for malignant papillary thyroid tumors. She was a member of exceptional talent organization during her education in both courses at university of Tabriz. She started her PhD in nanobiotechnology (2014) at Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (RCPN), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. Her PhD thesis is about the engineering of targeted drug delivery nanomachinery system for ovarian cancer chemo/gene therapy which is in progress under the supervision of Prof. Y. Omidi and Prof. J. Barar and advising of Dr. Eskandani |
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 | Farzaneh Fathi is a first year PhD by research student in the field of biosensors that supervised by Dr Mohammad Reza Rashidi in Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (RCPN) in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Her research is focused on surface plasnmon resonance (SPR) methods and developed biosensors based on it in her PhD thesis. She was born in Tabriz, Iran. She received a BS in Pure Chemistry from Tabriz University in 2007 and a MS in organic chemistry from Tabriz University in 2010. She has been working since 2007 in Research Laboratory of Dendrimers and Nanobiopolymers on his project in ' Synthesize of Hydrophobically Modified Starches'. She has published more than 4 scientific papers and a book in relation to nanoparticles based on polysaccharides.
 | Hadi Maleki Kakelar obtained his BSc in Biology in 2007 and MSc in Microbiology in 2010 from Islamic Azad University of Zanjan. His major is cellular/molecular biology. He started his Ph.D. in nanobiomedicine in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUOMS), Tabriz, Iran in 2014. Hadi is greatly dedicated to his work, and possesses unparalleled ability in research activities which make him a significant researcher. He meets deadlines and conducts pure research. His creative mind and curiosity paves his way for future achievements and successes. |
 | Solmaz Mohammadi, was born in the East-Azerbaijan Province of Iran. I got my diploma in Experimental Science in Somayeh High School, Tabriz, Iran. I received my bachelor's degree in Cellular & Molecular Biology- Biotechnology from the higher education institute of Rab-e-Rashid, Tabriz, Iran also I was a brilliant talented student and member of the elite stuff at Tabriz university Tabriz-Iran and I was one of the best and most talented undergraduate students, so I got a scholarship for a master's degree without taking the entrance exam in Biotechnology – Microbial from higher education institute of Rabe-Rashid Tabriz, Iran which is among the top universities of Iran in the field of Biology. Since 2016, I received (Grant#: RCPN-99002) of a science project as an MSc thesis at Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz-Iran. I joined this center as an MSc student and researcher. I received and successfully defended my MSc thesis entitled” Astaxanthin protects Mesenchymal stem cells from oxidative stress by direct scavenging of free radicals and modulation of cell signaling.” (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbi.2020.109324). Email: mohammadi.solmaz97@gmail.com |