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  RCPN Publications
1- GarjaniA.R., Rezazadeh H., Maleki-Dizaji N., Barar J. and Omidi Y., (2008), Mevalonate independent effects of atorvastatin on angiogenesis: Relevance to cancer, Bioscience Hypotheses, (in press).
2- Davaran S., Omidi Y., Rashidi M.R., Anzabi M., Shayanfar A., Vesal N., and Davaran F., (2008), Preparation and in vitro evaluation of linear and star-branched PLGA nanoparticles for insulin delivery, J Bioact. Compat. Polymer, 23(2):115-131.
3- Barar J., Javadzadeh A. and Omidi Y., (2008), Ocular novel drug delivery: impacts of biological membranes and barriers, Exper Opin. Drug Deliv. (in press).
4- Omidi Y. and Barar J., (2008), Polymorphisms in large neutral amino acids transporter, system L, in association with CNS disorders, Biosci. Hypoth. (in press).
5- Omidi Y., Barar J., Ahmadian S., Heidari H.R., Ahmadpour-Yazdi H. and Akhtar S. (2008), Microarray analysis of the toxicogenomics and the genotoxic potential of a cationic lipid-based gene delivery nanosystem in human alveolar epithelial A549 cells, Toxicol. Mech. Meth., (in press).
66- Omidi Y., Barar J., Ahmadian S., Heidari H.R. and Gumbleton M. (2008), Characterization and astrocytic modulation of system L transporters in brain microvasculature endothelial cells, Cell Biochem. Funct., .
7- Najafi M., Mahdizadeh-Aghdam E., Rafie F., Eteraf Oskouei.,(2008).,Effects of pharmacologic preconditioning by natural honey on arrhythmias and infarct size in isolated heart, J Pharm Sci., Winter : 1-11.
8- Shayanfar A., Soltani S., Jabbaribar F., Hamidi A.A., Acree W.E., Jouyban A.,(2008), Naphthalene solubility in binary solvent mixtures of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane alcohols at 298.15 K, J.Chem.Eng
9- Shokri J., Alizadeh M., Hasanzadeh D., Motavalli F.,(2008), Evaluation of various parameters on release on release of indomethacin from two-layered core osmotic pump,J Pharm Sci,Winter:13-22.
10- Omidi Y., Barar J., Ahmadian S., Heidari H.R. and Gumbleton M. (2008), Characterization and astrocytic modulation of system L transporters in brain microvasculature endothelial cells, Cell Biochem. Funct.,
11- Jouyban A.,Fakhree M.A.A., Ghafourian T., Saei A.A., Acree W.E.,(2008) Deviation of drug solubility in water -cosolvent mixtures from the Jouyban -Acree model -effect of solute structure,Pharmazie 63,2.
12- Najafi M., Gharakhani A., Ghavemi H., E-Oskouei T.,(2007)Protective effect of natural honey applied during ischemia and reperfusion on infract size in ischemic heartheart,Physiology and Pharmacology,11(3),238-243.
13- Barzegar-Jalali M. ,Siahi Shadbad M.R. ,Barzegar-Jalali A., Mohammadi G.., Azarmi S. , Danesh-Bahreini M.A., Adibkia Kh., Rasekhian M.,Raeesi R. ,Zare M.,(2007),The effect of Al 3+on the propranolol hydrochloride release from polyanionic polymer matrices J Pharm Sci,Autumn:7-17.
14-> Nazemiyeh H.,., Delazar A., Ghahramani M.A., Talepour A.H., Nahar L., Sarker S.D.,(2008), Phenolic Glycosides from Phelomis lanceolata (Lamiaceae), Natur. Prod. Commun. 3(1):53-56.