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  About Us
The Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (RCPN) was established in 2004 by Dr Omidi as part of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz-IRAN. As a pioneer research center in the field of nanomedicine in Iran, RCPN aims to advance nanobioscience for improving and applying novel nanomedicine to serve National Public Health and achieve international reputation. The foremost mission of RCPN is to build capacity for multidisciplinary investigations in the field of nanomedicine in order to implement novel therapeutics for improving the national and global health. Having utilized a resourceful scientific managing system, we desire to become one of the productive nanomedicine research centers nationally and internationally. In national assessments, RCPN has achieved the topest ranks for the scientific achievement among national biomedical research centers since 2005 to present. As a multidisciplinary research center, RCPN has been equipped with the state of the art research facilities such as cell culture, imaging (FM, STM, and AFM), microarray, HPLC, small animal imaging system, zetasizer facilities to perform nano-scaled investigations in different aspects of nanoengineered therapeutics. To share the expertise, in collaboration with different faculties and research centres, RCPN is actively involved in research programs (MSc and PhD) in the area of nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology. In RCPN, scientists as multidisciplinary research teams conduct a broad range of investigations in different nanoscience  fields as follow:

 Drug Delivery and Targeting 
 Nanobioimaging and Diagnosis
 Nano Structured Materials
 Molecular Medicine
 Surface Control and Nano/Biomems
 Stem Cell Research 

 Dr Yadollah Omidi;  ;  

  +98 (0) 411 3367914  
  +98 (0) 411 3367929

  Ms Ailar Nakhlband;  ; 
  Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Reasearch and Development Complex, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,Daneshgah street, Tabriz, IR IRAN. Postal Code:5165665811
