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International PhD Program for Overseas Students

RCPN international PhD program has been launched. The international PhD program provides training and research opportunities in the following areas:

 Drug Delivery and Targeting
 Cell and Gene Therapy
 Molecular Medicines
 Nanobio Imaging and Diagnosis
 Nano Structured Materials  
 Surface Control and NanoBioMEMs
 NanoBioMaterials and Natural Products
 Cell and Tissue Engineering
 Monoclonal Antibodies

The PhD program usually requires four to five years by research. Upon the candidate application, RCPN postgraduate panel will evaluate the application regarding the applicant background and CV, after which the admission will be offered. Priority will be given to those applicants whose MSc degrees are related to the requested PhD program with a defined research proposal. 

Tuition and Bench Fee
The tuition and bench fees can be asked from RCPN. Financial support and/or scholarship is also available, but very limited.  

Required qualifications for admission
English language
The applicants should provide acceptable documentation for their ability in English Language such as TOEFL, IELTS, MELAB, etc. Unless otherwise, the applicants should participate in a 3-6 months English Language Course (ELC) to be eligible for conducting the PhD program.

Degree requirement
Minimum required educational degree is MSc in Biomedical Sciences or related fields. 

Application form, (Word), (PDF)

Recommendation form, (Word), (PDF)


