Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (RCPN) has provided facilities for online access to research proposal forms, so that the researchers will spend less time on approving a project through online submission/review.
Dear Researcher/Reviewer,
Collaboration in research projects (as researcher/reviewer) requires registration, upon which the username and password will be issued via e-mail.After logging in with the registered user name, the researcher/reviewer will be authorized to access the research proposals. Forms can be downloaded/uploaded from the"Online submission" page. Filled forms should be uploaded on the site, thus the forms and the process of approval will be available to the researcher in his account, and can be followed by logging in the researcher/reviewer center.
Researcher /Reviewer Center
SEM images of piroxicam nanoparticles Delivered FITC-labeled nanogenomedicine (J Drug Target. 2007 Jul;15(6):407-16) in MCF7 cells