Protocols can be used freely for scientific, non-commercial uses. If you publish work based on these data, please cite the protocol based on the "web address citation; Vancouver style"
1- Golchin A.
How to extract total RNA? Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 1, 2016, pp 1-3
2- Golchin A.
How to synthesis complementary DNA (cDNA) ? Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 2, 2016, pp 4-6
3- Golchin A.
Real time PCR and data analysis. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 3, 2016, pp 7-14
4- Golchin A.
An introduction to cell culture. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 4, 2016, pp 15-47
5- Zonuoni S.
DNA extraction from bacteria samples. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 5, 2016, pp 49-50
6- Zonuoni S.
DNA extraction from blood samples. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 6, 2016, pp 51-52
7- Zonuoni S.
DNA extraction from plant samples. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 7, 2016, pp 53-55
8- Zonuoni S.
microRNA extraction. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 8, 2016, pp 56-58
9- Golchin A.
Electrophoresis. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 9, 2016, pp 59-68
10- Rahbar S.Y.
DNA ladder assay. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 10, 2016, pp 69-70
11- Golchin A.
MTT cytotoxicity assay. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 11, 2016, pp 71-74
12- Golchin A.
Sample preparation and staining for FACS flow cytometry. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 12, 2016, pp 75-101
13- Eskandani M.
Principal and illustartion of comet assay. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 13, 2016, pp 102-106
14- Dehghani J.
Plasmid cloning. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 14, 2016, pp 107-110
15- Mesgari A.Principal of
pH measurement. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 15, 2016, pp 111-112
16- Mesgari A.
Principal of ultrasonic homogenizing. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 16, 2016, pp 113-114
17- Golchin A.
Principal of lab book writing. Protocol Series of RCPN (PSR). Protocol no 17, 2016, pp 115-120